The Sustainable Energy Business Districts (SEBIZ) program addresses China’s surging urban energy needs at the city level by deploying a proven and successful public-private partnership collaboration model.  The SEBIZ program uses a portfolio approach to clean energy technology deployment by coupling technical assistance with applied policy development at the local and national levels, using targeted business districts to build scale for distributed projects.  This approach builds local capacity and demonstrates the opportunities and benefits for ongoing improvements to and investments in energy efficiency, building equipment, and renewable energy (EERE) technologies.

Program Goals

  • Establish an innovative framework for successful distributed EERE technology deployment
  • Enhance international market opportunities for EERE vendors and industry stakeholders
  • Create an actionable public policy deployment tool for cities across the world
  • Accelerate research, development and demonstration of EERE technologies and services

Portfolio Approach to Clean Energy Technology Deployment

Our approach to clean energy technology deployment is based on the successful implementation of innovative targeted program to shorten the learning curve for buyers and vendors, increase buyer’s purchasing and negotiating power, and decrease transaction and administrative costs.  This approach encourages the efficiency of business transactions and empowers participants to take action as a group with peer support.

  1. Build team of commercial facility owners in targeted business districts
  2. Benchmark energy usage to create a baseline from which to measure future energy savings
  3. Perform energy audit to identify and document viable EERE opportunities
  4. Collaboratively pursue high-impact opportunities through aggregated procurement
  5. Support project implementation through an actionable public policy development tool
  6. Provide best practices to install, construct, and improve commercial building energy performance!

Building Energy Upgrade Opportunity Analysis

SEBIZ Approach

Participating Business Districts

WIZ Overview  GDL Overview

Progress Reports

Read the latest progress reports for program updates and SEBIZ highlights!


The SEBIZ program has demonstrated the following notable accomplishments to date.

SEBIZ AchievementsEnergy Audit Map







Sector-Specific Resource Guides

The SEBIZ program team has documented valuable lessons learned in a series of sector-specific Clean Energy Deployment Resource Guides for local governments, commercial building owners, and solution providers.  Check out the resources guides by clicking on the images below.

SEBIZ Resource Guide_Local Government SEBIZ Resource Guide_Commercial Buildings SEBIZ Resource Guide_Solution Providers

Public Policy Deployment Tool

Public Policy Deployment Tool

The SEBIZ program team has researched, catalogued, and categorized global best practice policies and programs to establish a clean energy framework that can support governments across the world in improving local market conditions to accelerate technology deployment and carbon reductions.  Explore the publicly available platform by clicking on an image below.

CERM landing CERM roadmap CERM resources

Participant Quotes

Energy Planning and Market Assessment Reports

The SEBIZ program team researched and documented the relevant clean energy technologies, policies, programs, and incentives necessary to facilitate implementation of the SEBIZ program.  Access the reports by clicking on the images below.

GDL China EERE Market Assessment Report






Participant Quotes


Participant Quotes

The SEBIZ approach to identifying clean energy project opportunities has provided WIZ with invaluable insight and tangible metrics for the potential scale of energy savings and carbon reductions in our district.  The potential for a 31% reduction in electricity usage (16 GWh) and carbon emissions (13,500 tCO2) would reach nearly twice the energy and carbon intensity reduction targets under the 12th Five Year Plan.  As this project factors directly into the achievement of our sustainable development goals, WIZ has already begun helping businesses pursue SEBIZ recommendations.  Furthermore, WIZ pledges to adopt and expand this approach in order to exceed our environmental targets thanks to the US Department of Energy and Optony.

—Mr. YIN Yimin, Deputy Director, Wujin National Hi-Tech Industrial Zone

Participating in the SEBIZ program and the U.S. Energy Efficiency Business Development Mission to China has been very helpful in promoting clean energy communication and collaboration between China Development Orient and America’s leading clean energy companies. Optony has carefully identified qualified vendors with appropriate clean energy solutions for our Green Dragon Lake project through the SEBIZ program. This lays the foundation for low-carbon planning and integrated deployment of renewable energy, clean transportation, and green building construction for the Green Dragon Lake Business District.

—Mr. WANG Xifu, Inspector General, China Development Orient

Our experience with the SEBIZ program was very helpful. By participating in the SEBIZ program with supports from Optony, we saved amounts of efforts and time to set up these introduction meetings with those potential customers. We expect to generate business opportunities in the near future and will continue to explore more possibilities with Optony. The US Department of Energy’s vision and support of the SEBIZ program is appreciated.

—Mr. Pegasus Chen, Asia Vertical Strategic Marketing Manager, GE Lighting

Thank you again for connecting me with the Sustainable Energy Business District (SEBIZ) project via the recent US Department of Commerce certified energy efficiency trade mission to China. As a small business person and independent consultant, SEBIZ introduced me to business and project opportunities that I never would have been able to access on my own. The opportunities were extremely well developed and mature. As a result, I was able to come away with substantial, actionable opportunities that I am now in the process of following up on. The success was no doubt due to the Optony’s innovative and inclusive approach to US-China business development, outstanding leadership and commitment to improving China’s energy efficiency, and deep professional experience in China. I feel this was an excellent use of my tax dollars and hope that the Department of Energy will continue to fund the project moving forward.

—Ms. Julia Beabout, President, Simulated Solutions LLC

First of all, I want to say thanks for the inviting us to attend the wonderful matchmaking event. We got a chance to meet directly with the end-customer and had an effective conversation in a productive meeting environment. Thanks again for your fruitful work, because without Optony having introduced us to the new buyers it would have been very difficult to set up similar business development meetings. By participating in the SEBIZ program, we saved time and costs, and expect that many business opportunities will develop as a result of this model. We wish this model could be organized more.

—Mr. MIAO Zhisheng, Beijing Territory Manager, OSIsoft

JCI’s participation in the SEBIZ program was brief, but we feel this program was certainly helpful. Optony provided a very good path for us to get connected with real project opportunities and buyers in China. The U.S. Department of Energy’s vision and support of the SEBIZ program is very much appreciated. We look forward to continued cooperation in the near future.

—Ms. Michelle Bai, Director of China Strategy, Johnson Controls Inc.

Thanks for inviting us to attend matchmaking meeting! It provides an easier way to connect with potential customers in a short period, and creates opportunity for further business collabration in the future. We will keep communicating with clients for project opportunities, and hope to have more opportunities to participate in such activities.

—Mr. Hanke Wang, Senior Key Account Manager, Honeywell China

The SEBIZ program managers provided valuable support prior and during the China-US energy efficiency alliance trade mission, by setting up meetings with targeted candidates. As a result we were able to meet prospects which may result in valuable projects and partnerships, thus saving us months of business development efforts. We are grateful to the Department of Energy and SEBIZ for contributing to our success in China.

—Mr. Hubert Beaumont, Director, Engineering and Operations, Ravenbrick

In 2014, the China-US Energy Efficiency Alliance led the effort, along with several partners, to organize the first-ever US Department of Commerce certified energy efficiency trade mission to China. The focus of this one-week mission was to help U.S. companies that provide technology and/or services related to energy efficiency to enter into (or expand operations in) the Chinese market. Optony was a strategic partner in this effort, providing key guidance and support throughout the organizing process. Their experience in working with Chinese partners, through the SEBIZ program, was invaluable in helping to make the trade mission fruitful for all participants. In addition, Optony was responsible for arranging meetings in Beijing and Changzhou for the corporate and political leaders that were part of the mission delegation. From all accounts, Optony did an excellent job and, as a result of the SEBIZ program, Optony provided participants with valuable insights and leads for new business opportunities.

—Ms. Fran Schulberg, Executive Director, China-US Energy Efficiency Alliance


Program Sponsor

US Department of Energy

SEBIZ is funded through a grant from the US Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). EERE’s International program accelerates the speed and scale of clean energy deployment through international collaboration with strategic partners.